2015 - Year in Review

Looking back on 2015

- Sophie Cottrell -


What a year it has been for us here at Sceen’ry HQ! We launched our brand only a few months ago and look at where we are. We are in full force getting the first issue ready for all our explorers across the globe and we are really excited to share it with you.

One of the best things about ending a year is looking back at what you have done and how many moments have shaped you into who you are. Most of the moments that have shaped us, include you.

From the day we first launched, we desired to inspire people to look beyond their usual and see the adventure that is just beyond their gaze. We have connected with and come across so many of you that are already doing what we desire and that makes this journey so much more fun.

Some of our top moments include:

Team meet-up in Seattle - In July this year 2/3 of our team, Desiree and Sophie, got to meet up in the gorgeous city of Seattle to explore together. There was many a discussion about the future of Sceen'ry and how to launch this travel journal. Seattle blew us away, not just because of how gorgeous it was, but every single day we got to eat like kings. Definitely a place to go for an amazing feed and a breathtaking hike.

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington.

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington.

Our website launch - In October we got to launch our online platform, this beautiful page put together by the one and only Andrew Chen Designs, and launch our blog. This is a major component to who we are and we are excited to see all the people this will reach. And don't forget this space is as much for you as it is for us.

Contributions - In the short 2 1/2 months of being launched we have already had over 150 contributions across all of our online platforms. This has really blown us away at the amount of people getting on board with the vision. We have had multiple face to face meetings with some of the most talented people in the creative industries and have had the opportunity of seeing places we never knew existed.

Ellie Lowe - www.shesgonelala.com

Ellie Lowe - www.shesgonelala.com

Gabrielle Nunez - Stratford, Canada.

Gabrielle Nunez - Stratford, Canada.

@lydiaevangeline - Great Ocean Road, Australia.

@lydiaevangeline - Great Ocean Road, Australia.


This year really has given us a glimpse of what is to come for Sceen'ry and the community that it is. As we continue to work hard on getting the first issue ready for launching next year, we know that the best is yet to come for us and for you guys. We cannot wait to see what you explore in 2016, with many more mountains to hike, oceans to swim, rivers to kayak, coffees to drink and food to consume. And keep your eyes peeled for some new aspects of Sceen'ry to show their faces.


Keep exploring,



For the dreamer -  For the adventurer

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